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Appraisal Corporation

About us — Meet the company

Who are we?

The Cape Town office was established in August 1988 by Saul du Toit. In February 1990, a secretary and a Candidate Valuer were appointed. Since then the company has grown to the current staff complement of seven Professional Valuers, one Professional Associated Valuer, one Candidate Valuer and four administrative personnel. The firm has a strong empowerment policy of ensuring that the employees are representative of the main culture groupings in the Western Cape without discrimination towards gender groups. Appraisal Corporation has grown over the years to now pride itself as the LARGEST bona vide valuation firm in the Western Cape, with an office in Cape town and one in George.

In the 2000 General Valuation (GV) we were awarded the responsibility of valuing all non-residential properties in the Cape Town CBD amd periphery of the CBD (e.g. Vredehoek, Sea Point, Camps Bay).

For GV 2006, we were awarded the contracts for valuing all hotel properties in the Cape Town Metropolitan Area, as well as the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront Precinct. Last mentioned was also completed in 2009 and 2012.

Rural Property and Appointments: Saul du Toit and Jenny Falck are appointed on the SA Receiver of Revenue - Tax Appeal Board as expert valuers, for use as assessors in the tax court. Our years of experience in farm valuations has resulted in Saul du Toit and Jenny Falck, although Cape based, often being called upon by Institutions as the expert to undertake Game Reserve valuations in the Mpumalanga, Limpopo, The Northern Provinces and Namibia. This includes valuations for the land required for the large De Hoop Dam, an Agisa project near Steelpoort.

Professional Associations
For Appraisal as company:
  • SARWA (SA Right of Way Association)
  • Cape Chamber of Commerce

  • For individuals:
  • SAIV Fellows: Saul, Jenny
  • SAIV Members: Manie, Robyn, Wesley, Astrid, Bonga, Jenny
  • RICS Members: Saul, Jenny
  • PVA Members: Saul, Jenny, Manie, Robyn, Astrid, Wesley, Bonga
  • SACPVP Professional Valuers: Saul, Jenny, Manie, Astrid, Wesley, Robyn
  • SACPVP Professional Associated Valuers: Bonga
  • Women in Property Network (WPN): Jenny
Our Mission

To provide our clients with realistic, timeous and comprehensive valuation product, at a competitive price. To be of service to our clients at all times and to provide a sustained backup service. To enhance and improve the valuation profession, play an active roll in the education of Professional Valuers and the empowerment of previously disadvantaged individuals in our profession. Our firm has a Level 1 outcome being 135% BBBEE. To at all times uphold the heraldic moto of our professional institute: "Sine Inclinatione", i.e. "without bias"

View our B - BBEE Certificate