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Appraisal Corporation

About us — Meet the team

Saul du Toit
Professional Valuer, Appraiser

Professional Valuer with 35 years experience in valuations. Registered as a Professional Valuer with the SA Council for the Property Valuers Profession (Reg. No. 2631). Fellow of SA Institute of Valuers (SAIV); served on National Executive (Past President) and on the Southern Branch Executive (Past Chairman) of the SAIV; Chartered Surveyor, Member of RICS. Member of South African Right of Way Association. Member of International Right of Way Association. Appointed as Assessor to the Land Claims Court. Appointed by the Minster of Finance to the South African Revenue Services Tax Appeal Board as expert valuer/ assessor. Guest lecturer at the University of Cape Town, for the MSc Masters Degree and the SAPOA PDP course. Part time lecturer in Valuation at the Cape Technikon and University of Stellenbosch. Serves on the Valuation Appeal Boards of various local authorities in the Western Cape.

Jenny Falck
Professional Valuer, Appraiser

Associate and since February 1992 with firm. Registered as a Professional Valuer with the SA Council for the Property Valuers Profession (SACPVP) (Reg. No. 3696). Past Vice President and currently serves as Disciplinary Investigator for the SACPVP. Professional Valuer with 25 years experience in valuation, all with our firm. Appointed by the Minster of Finance to the South African Revenue Services Tax Appeal Board as expert valuer/ assessor. Chartered Surveyor and Civil Commercial Mediator, Member of RICS. Fellow of the SAIV and past Chairperson of the Southern Branch of the SAIV. Appointed Appraiser for Districts Cape Town, Bellville & Wynberg. Obtained the B.Comm (Hons.) degree with Property Valuation & Investment as subject, at the University of Stellenbosch, in 1991. Was part time lecturer in property valuation at the Cape Technikon and University of Stellenbosch. Member of the Women In Property Network.

Manie Steinmann
Professional Valuer, Appraiser

Since March 1991 employed by the firm. Registered as a Professional Valuer with the SA Council for the Property Valuers Profession (Reg. No. 3156). Completed the National Diploma Real Estate (Property Valuation) in 1993 and the National Diploma Building Supervision (1986). Member of the SAIV. Co-founder and manager of Southern Cape office.

Robyn Jackson
Professional Valuer

Since March 2014 employed with our firm. Registered as a Professional Valuer (Reg. No. 7677). Completed the Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Property Studies at the University of Cape Town. Member of the SAIV. Falls in the procurement category of a previous disadvantage individual. Was top student at the 2015 SAIV Practical Work School.

Wesley Green
Professional Valuer

Since January 2007 employed with our firm. Registered as a Professional Valuer (Reg. No. 6675). Completed the National Diploma Real Estate (Property Valuation) at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. Member of the SAIV. Falls in the procurement category of previous disadvantage individual.

Bonga Dingane
Professional Associate Valuer

Since July 2017 employed with our firm. Registered as a Professional Associate Valuer (Reg. No. 7865). Completed the National Diploma Real Estate (Property Valuation) at the Cape Peninsual University of Technology. Student Member of the SAIV. Falls in the procurement category of a previous disadvantage individual.

Astrid Michelsen
Professional Valuer

Since April 2013 employed by our firm, on a contract basis. Registered as a Professional Valuer (Reg No. 5992). Completed the Bachelor of Science Degree in Property Studies at the University of Cape Town. Member of the SAIV.

Rihana Saayman
Financial Manager

Employed since March 2002. National Diploma: Cost & Management Accounting at UNISA, completed 2007 with merit

Natasha Playton
Data Manager

Has completed courses in Office Administration and Practice as well as Public Administration. Enrolled for the National Diploma Real Estate (Property Valuation)

Xoliswa Nocanda
Office Assistant

Office Assistant, Employed since August 2000, first experience as office worker. Procurement category of a previous disadvantage individual

Suney Louw
Valuations Administrator

Since August 2011 employed with our firm.